Saturday, August 29, 2009

Herd Mentality:

Herd mentality....visible in everything we do:
1) Mugging/ghotting: Everyone shall mug/ghot, or in rare alternative cases, chill out completely before an exam (I did witness this during the analog electronics test on 3/3/08).
2) Applying for companies/choosing a career etc.: I salute those courageous few, who choose to go off the beaten track. The rest of us, especially in India, are engineers/fake engineers/MBAs etc.
3) Societal trends: Sometimes I feel watching cricket is also part of the same mentality. Add the English Premier League to the latest list of fads, along with supporting Manchester United just because they have/had Cristiano Ronaldo. There are way too many examples to mention here.
4) Special Mention, 'Whooshing': Jesus said "Donot do unto others what you do not want to be done to you." Apparently, no one cares. People get whooshed at the drop of a hat/coffee cup/mention of transfer pricing. And this is an infectious disease. The only saving grace is that every one gets hooshed by the other. Parity restored.

Maybe, it is part of our psyche, after all. Newspaper articles and movies have been devoted to the same. Is it because of the insecurity, which shrouds us, or an innate dislike for risk taking??
I shall leave this question to psychologists, newspapers, reader's digest and of course, Aamir Khan to discuss and solve.......and to anyone else who is interested!

This blog post has been created owing to incidents in the very recent past, collated with others in the not so recent past.....and in one way, an excuse to return!
Life@IIMB has been pretty hectic, tiring, unforgiving, demanding etc. etc. After all, bring all the toppers at various levels, school/college etc. and put them here, and the resultant mixture leaves NO room for error. Still, it has been an experience to savour....and there is a lot more to savour!

To understand how herd mentality influences decision-making and how reflexive action plays a role in shaping societies, check out: Why Everything You Know About Money, Success, and Power Might Be a Myth on Canvas to Cosmos .