Friday, November 10, 2006

A few blogs posted by my friends were what got me hooked on to "BLOGistan".I saw it as a forum where u can pour out the very deepest of your thoughts, and give your friends a chance to tell their opinion and advise you if necessary.There are so many things crammed up in our mind, so many things we feel about, but can't say in normal conversation.The thoughts in your mind, which others would normally rate as obscure, can be expressed through this medium.Also, this is your very own personal space, and people may know more about u thru this.
I seriously don't expect any comments for this post, but if some1 wishes to post something , he is MOST WELCOME(i don't need to reiterate that, i think).


Rishi Mathur said...

Yeah, u r right, cant comment anything for this post, except for...

Ananth @ NLU, Lko... said...

Well, jus one comment tp Ashwin Iyer,

'Welcome to!'

Ajay Srinath said...

Just one question...wen's ur Retirement?